Transitioning your cat to new food such as Fegnion™ should be accomplished gradually to reduce any potential gastrointestinal symptoms induced by an abrupt food change. We recommend a 14-day transition. However, it may take your cat a few days, weeks or longer to fully transition. Kittens typically transition quickly whereas adult cats may take longer.
There will be days during the transition where you might think your cat would benefit from an extended version of our recommended transition guideline. It is a work in progress and something you will both work on together.
However remember, do not make the transition an abrupt one and the steps below are just a guideline. Different flavor, aroma, shape, and texture of the newly introduced food may be foreign to your cat at first. Human patience and persistence are the key to your cat’s successful transition. Cats are unique creatures of habit and are not always comfortable with changes especially when it comes to their food.
Remember that like humans, our fur babies are unique in every way. Just think of all the wonderful benefits that Fegnion raw can offer your cat.

Some tips for transitioning/feeding your cat
These are just some of the factors you should take into consideration. Remember that each cat is unique and feedings should be tailored to its individual needs.

Start low go slow… Be Patient!

Their taste buds will love it but remember their intestines need to adjust. Introduce the food slowly to avoid any gastrointestinal upset.

Cats are unique in every way. They may be familiar with a particular aroma, flavor, texture or type of food. At first, they may refuse changes, but with time your cat will enjoy the change in taste and texture and soon enjoy the benefits of eating Fegnion.

The transition should be a gradual addition of Fegnion and reduction of the current diet. You may mix Fegnion raw with your cat’s current food, or you may place it side by side on the same plate or two different plates.

Feed from a wide flat feeding dish to avoid sensitive tactile whiskers from touching the side of a bowl. Cats find this sensation to be irritating and uncomfortable and may cause them to walk away from their food. Avoid the use of plastic dishes as they are porous and can retain odors and are not easily sanitized. We recommend the use of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel flat dishes for your fur babies.

Another reason to go flat. Cats like to see around them while eating and not having their field of vision occluded by a bowl.

Cats should be fed in a calm and quiet environment away from noise, distractions, and any interruptions. Never feed your cat next to a litter box because no one likes to eat next to the bathroom. A cat’s survival is based on eliminating far away from where they eat, sleep or raise their kittens. This is done in order to protect themselves and their family from their predators. If their food is placed next to a litter box, their strong sense of smell will throw off their appetite causing them to walk away from their food. This approach will promote a healthy appetite and a seamless transition to Fegnion Raw Cat Food.

While our cats enjoy eating their food cold straight from the refrigerator, most cats prefer their food served warm at body temperature of their prey or close to room temperature. The best and safest way of “warming” up Fegnion raw cat food is by smearing it on your cat’s dish and leaving it out for 5-10 minutes before serving. This method will preserve the enzymes, amino acids, and nutrients in our raw cat food without exposing it to heat. We DO NOT recommend using warm/hot water to warm up Fegnion raw cat food. Please DO NOT microwave, cook, fry, bake, boil or use any other heat system to warm up Fegnion.